Gershwin, a biologyst, thinks that the phenomenon that caused the arrival of so many jellyfish in the coast of Queensland was a rise of the temperature, the abundance of food, the absence of predators, the north winds and tidal conditions. Gershwin thinks that he had to leave the jellyfish on the beach until they were finished drying in the sand and finally ended diappeared by predators.
This morning 3 of February the beach of Deception in Queensland located in Australia, woke up surrounded by a herd of blue jellyfish. Charlotte Watson warned of the invasion of jellyfish on the beach, she announced that the water had a strange color of the usual. This specie of jellyfish is called marine stinger a common specie of eastern of Australia, but enviromentalists say it is sightly venomous and has never seen so large a number of this type of jellyfish.

According to Surf Live Saving Queensland more than 22.800 swimmers were treated for stings of anothers species of jellyfish called bluebottle on the Sunshine Coast from 1 December to 31 January. This jellyfsih are dangerous but don't produce the death but also cause painful stings that can be dangerous for some people who are sensitive or allergic to this stings, so we watch at the same time get into beaches or not to approach to jellyfishes, although it can see, but if we stay at his side it can sting with their tentacles.
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