People must compare moths with Olympic athletes because probably may be an insult. These animals are well-known for eating sweaters, but acording with a study from the University of Arizona, the most athletics creatures are hawkmoths, a type of moth. These fly arround 3 miles in one night slurping the nectar from flowers to feed them without fracturing any muscle. This is thanks to antioxidants.

When humans beings are in physical activity, they causes reactive molecules of oxygen which have an immune response to microbial invasion, this oxidation cause fatigue and delays muscle recovery. Athletes have taken antioxidant supplements to counter this reaction, because our body don't create enough. In the case of the moths don't have taken antioxidants, but have taken sugar.

According to Science Says when moths burn lipids during exercise produce more reactive oxygen that presents a serious problems againts their flight muscles, but they discovered that the moths that fly in more frequently have less oxidative cellular damage than those that were more sedentary. Eran Levin, one of the researchers, says that these animals consume a sugary diet to proect their muscles.

The question of the researchers are: how is ti possible that hawkmoths are able to consume amounts of sugar and sustain the most intense physical exercise in the animal kingdom?

Are authentic superheroes, they use all of the sugar that consume to make antioxidants through any carbohydrate from their diet to their metabolic phosphate pathway, humans also have this metabolic pathway, but we don't produce such high amounts of oxidants that we need.

Levin said that if we understand the metabolic pathway functioning of moths, we can find out why our consumption of sugar is not enough and we can learn a effectively pathway to metabolize sugar, to have a perfect body and a diet settled in sugars.


NASA announced the discovery of seven new planets, the hypotesi of this discoveries is because of some comets that could affect our lives. Three of these planets are located in a conformable area, near a star as this provides liquid water for their survival. Thanks to this star outside our solar system, established a registry to discover the main features oh this planets, but still lack the basic features to live.

These planets are located a long distance from our solar system, about 235 billion miles, 40 light years.

In recent days the researchers try to find out if these planets are uninhabited or actually is living there some strange beings such as aliens.

Thomas Zurbuchen administrator of  NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington said it would be important to find if these planets have some habitable zones, because if so in the future could be inhabited by people, but for now we can only think that in our system solar aren't alone, but surely many of these planets may be have areas where there may live some beings uknown to us.


This morning 3 of February the beach of Deception in Queensland located in Australia, woke up surrounded by a herd of blue jellyfish. Charlotte Watson warned of the invasion of jellyfish on the beach, she announced that the water had a strange color of the usual. This specie of jellyfish is called marine stinger a common specie of eastern of Australia, but enviromentalists say it is sightly venomous and has never seen so large a number of this type of jellyfish.

Gershwin, a biologyst, thinks that the phenomenon that caused the arrival of so many jellyfish in the coast of Queensland was a rise of the temperature, the abundance of food, the absence of predators, the north winds and tidal conditions. Gershwin thinks that he had to leave the jellyfish on the beach until they were finished drying in the sand and finally ended diappeared by predators.

According to Surf Live Saving Queensland more than 22.800 swimmers were treated for stings of anothers species of jellyfish called bluebottle on the Sunshine Coast from 1 December to 31 January. This jellyfsih are dangerous but don't produce the death but also cause painful stings that can be dangerous for some people who are sensitive or allergic to this stings, so we watch at the same time get into beaches or not to approach to jellyfishes, although it can see, but if we stay at his side it can sting with their tentacles.


I’m Christian. My grandmother since I was a child, she raises me about Catholic Religion, and always in Easter day we go together to the Castelló d’Empúries Church. We celebrate and pray and she gives me the Easte cake. But when my grandma died, sicerally I don’t go anymore to the church, only I pray some sentences for her.

My easter week now are basically a holidays to rest and relax, disconnect from the studies and duties, and nothing especial.


Since I have use of reason, I always want to live in USA. Because I think that is the best country in the world. Why I think that? Because I really love the mood and how USA works. They had another life philosophy, is the country where the dreams can be done if you work day-to-day and you really want it. This is the principal reason for I wanna live here. If you pay attention, the best athletes, actors, designes were from USA. And also is a beautiful country for his history and people.


Few days ago I turned 18… As time passes you realize that the life is short and devastating for anyone. Two days ago, I was playing with my friends at the playground without any worries or problems, and now you realize how valuate is the childhood. I thank God for my happily infancy and for make the person who I am today. I don’t have matured yet, but I start to feel new obligations and duties, and I’m sure that I will affront the new situations and problems that will come on my way.


On 31 may I turned 18 and my parents ask me that what I want for my birthday few weeks ago. I was thinking a lot of things like a car, new clothes, a tv… But finally I have decided that I really want a new tattoo. I have tattooed one year ago and this left me with the desire to do more and more. And last Friday 26 May, finally, I’ve been tattooed for 4 hours.  The pain I felt was HORRIBLE! But now I think that it was worth, and
I’m very satisfied that how looks my chest right now.

Bombs in Syria

This new was published in the page "NBC NEWS". It was written by Jon Schuppe. It talks about the bombs in Syria. First the author say that the bombs and the airstrikes affects a lot the people of Syria and that's why they migrate in Europe according to a study.
More than 78.000 civilians death in Syria from March of 2011 to January of 2015.
For syrian people the bombs and the shells are the weapons most likely to cause death.
Women are the second most likely group to die in the explosions and the mens are the least.
This new is the only I found talking about this theme: the bombs in Syria. 
Now the situation in Syria is lamentable and it's hard to see their pictures and videos because I can't do anything for them. Any person deserve his life and the mosts innocents, the childrens, don't have any guilt and they had to suffer it. That's why they migrate but I think that they don't found the peace they are searching. The womens are the second most likely group to die in the explosions and the mens for me have a very hard situation because they have to protect  their families and when one member die they feel that they have some guilty.

Wearable sweat sensors

This new is from a page named Livescience where it talks about the innovations of the technology. This new was written the 27 of january of 2016 by Charles Q. Choi.
In the future wearable sensors would use human sweat to look for signs of disease. Sweat is a rich source of chemical data that could help doctors determine what is happening inside the human body, scientists explained in a new study. However, they do not provide data about a user's health on a molecular level. "This could help tell athletes to take liquids or warn them they are going through heat shock," Javey told Live Science.
The invention uses five sensors to simultaneously track levels of glucose, lactate, sodium and potassium, as well as skin temperature. This data is fed to a flexible board of microchips that processes these signals and uses Bluetooth to wirelessly transmit data to a smartphone. All of these electronics could be incorporated into either a wristband or headband.
Wearable sweat monitors could track only a single molecule at a time, which could generate misleading information, the researchers said. 
The researchers have filed a patent on their work, although they are not currently collaborating with anyone to commercialize the sensors, Javey said.
I like this new invent because it's seems to be easy for  work with it and we can use it in our phone. But it also afraid me a little bit because I don't know the secondary effects, they only say the good things so I don't know. But it's obviusly that the tech is going forward every day

Feeling too much can literally kill you

This new was published in the Elite daily by Candice Jalili. Candice explains us the recently good things that happened to her and she say that there is a studio that confirm that you can feel stressed even if you're hsppy.
She had a FANTASTIC 20th birthday. It wasn’t just a party, it was an entire weekendand she had a surprise party for me. The rest of the weekend she was on the beach with her closest friends.
Then Candice say that a  recent study released by the European Heart Journal shows that actually is possible to be so incredibly overcome with joy that your heart gives out. Then she clear up that he Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) is basically a stress-induced condition that causes a sudden temporary weakening of the heart. Then she tell that the study sampled 1,750 patients, 485 of whom were faced with emotional events that lead them to have a TTS episode. If the emotion leading up to the TTS outburst was a pleasant one, they referred to it as “happy heart syndrome.” If it was a negative one, they referred to it as “broken heart syndrome.”
Surprisingly, they found that about one in twenty cases were actually caused by HAPPY heart syndrome!
Candice finish the new with a reflexion: "The intensity with which you feel love for someone on your wedding day could be compared to the intensity with which you feel hate towards that person after that person breaks your heart. Turns out, loving someone can f*ck you up just as much as having your heart broken."

The section of life is very interesting because there are curiosities about our world and things like this article. When I saw the tittle and I felt intrigate so I enter and I discovered it.
However, I prefer to live at the limit than live normal because of a fear of having a happy heart syndrome.


 This new was also published in the NBC News. It talks about two refugees from Syria that explained their work. They're Hussein and Mahmadou. They are from Aleppo and they're breadwinners for their families.
The boys work from 8 a.m to 8 at night and they earn 6$ to 10$ a week. They don't go to the school and they don't know to write because they have to earn money to help their families cover loans.
They work in a garage welding and sanding down old cars.
Their manager, Ahmed, is also a Syrian refugee.
In the other new I talked about the bomb in Syria and now about the refugees, it is relacionated. The civils of Syria that have fear to die in the explosions emigre with the hope of have a better life but unfotunately they have to work hard in the refugee home.
The other day I saw a report about the life in the refuge's home in 'La Sexta' and now with that new I confirme that is a lamentable situation. That children here been robbed of their childhood.
I wish that one day the war of Syria finish and all the childrens that are working hard could go to school and the womens and mens are in home without the though of the bomb in the head.

Shutter Island

Resultado de imagen de shutter islandShutter Island is a work of art. I have never seen a film like this, It is one of my favourites films because it’s not the typical film. Shutter Island is about a detective, interpreted by Leonardo Di Caprio, that he had to find a patient, who drowned his three children, and escaped of an insane asylum. And the detective, Teddy, only has one clue, a cryptic note. The film appears normally but the final is a total reverse that make you be astonished, I can’t reveal the final cause this is a film review and if you feel like to discover this apotheosic final you have to see the film.  

It’s a first-rate film in my opinion because it has moment of tension, suspense and I love physicological thriller films. The effects and soundtrack are awesome and also participates one of the most important actor, Di caprio.

RAFA MORA (aka el tete)

Rafa Mora García aka "El tete" is a very famous carachter who lives in Valencia. He is 32 years old, and he's well-known for participating in many realities (Salvame, Mujeres y hombres y viceversa,Supervivientes...) Also he sponsors afamous brand of suplements called Ultimate Stack Plus, he has a Maseratti GT worth to 150k $.
Resultado de imagen de rafa moraThe hobbie of Rafa is basically going to GYM and partying,he always uploads photos in his social networks. Rafa is a clean-shaven man and he is in good shape. He is broad-shouldered and well-built.
El tete is very posh and always wears the top fashion brands like G-star, Gucci, hollister...
He's an agressive person who people criticise but he is self-confident. Also is bold but ambitious and cheerful person. 

My tattooes

Mostrando 20170312_125010.jpgMy tattoos are very meaningful for me. I have tattooed my parent’s name one year ago, when I turned seventeen years old. I have tattooed my father’s name under my wrist with an special detail, a dumbbell. It is very special for us because we lift weights together and it makes my father happy because he was a culturist and is proud of me cause I love this sport too. And in the other wrist I have tattooed my mother’s name with a detail also, I don’t have the words to describe how much I love her, simply the mother’s love are the more strong love.
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Resultado de imagen de trapTrap music is a subgenre of Hip hop’s that born in USA at 90’s. It’s a mixture about rap and Hip hop. I have started listening this subgenre when I have listened for first time, Travis scott, my favourite singer now. Today I only listen this type of music but before I discovered trap, I often listen Hip Hop, pop and the typical commercial songs that sounds in the radio. But trap has a very explicit content and for this reason, the radio don’t want to put this subgenre at his programme, I understand it because maybe the children listen this content. 

Travis Scott

Resultado de imagen de travis scottJacques Webster AKA travis scott is one of my favourites American hip hop singers, I always listen his music. When I arrive home after study and work a lot, I put my headphones and enjoy his music.  He is too young, 24 years old, started his career at 2012 but I have started to listen him since one year ago. I like him not only for his music, I like his personality and his style.

My favourite song is beibs in the trap ft. NAV is a work of art referring trap. It is nominated at Grammy and hip hop awards